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Generative Art
Pop-up event with talks about crypto art and featuring generative pieces as NFT.
Artwork: "Attractor" by Guido Corallo.
On Line Exhibition
Video Art
Group show with video pieces by contemporary and digital artists for platform NIIO.
Artwork: "Observation Machine 1" by Julián Brangold.
Group show as part of Extended Reality Festival RealMix 2023 organized by the Government of Bogotá (Colombia, 2023).
Artwork: "Interval, time and space between two limits to contemplate" (2023) by Victoria Poirier.
Project İmage
Tomás García IA Solo Show
Text accompanying the inaugural exhibition of designer and AI artist Tomás García.
Project İmage
Generative Art and Crypto Art
A text excerpt from an interview by Fanny Lakoubay on 'The Hypercentralization of Crypto Art,' featured in the special edition of Right Click Save during the Bright Moments Buenos Aires events.
Project İmage

Cristian Reynaga is an art curator and cultural entrepreneur with a focus on digital art, boasting over 15 years of experience in the field.
As the founder of +CODE Cultura Digital, an independent organization based in Buenos Aires, he orchestrates festivals, exhibitions, meetups and conferences that showcase leading artists at the intersection of art and technology.
Cristian has collaborated with artists and cultural institutions on specific projects related to digital art, virtual reality, and web3. He lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and teaches at University of San Andrés at the Humanities Department.

Exhibition Curation
Public Programmes Design
Project and Program Manager
Community Events Production
Digital Art, Crypto Art & NFT Advisory
I collaborate with artists, collectors, and cultural institutions globally, devising and executing projects centered around digital art and culture, with a particular emphasis on generative art, virtual reality (VR), and Web3. From conceptualization to execution, I adeptly oversee cultural initiatives, employing diverse methodologies tailored to specific or wider audiences.
“We have been collaborating since 2009. His proposals are characterized by the quality of the presentations. Working with Cristian as an artist is always a great opportunity, and for the audience, it's a transformative experience of approaching art and technology.”
Diego Alberti
New Media Artist