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Collection 2

Buenos Aires - 2021
The show held at +CODE Gallery, in collaboration with Niio, featured the most relevant Argentinian generative artists alongside local young emerging talents. Niio's collaboration supported the presence of globally acclaimed artists who were part of this pop-up exhibition.
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Juan Pedro Vallejo
Leonardo Solaas
Daniel Canogar
Guido Corallo
Lolo Armdz
Javier Bilatz
Padro Falco
Patricio Gonzalez Vivo
Ricardo Vega Mora
Sara Ludy

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Venture something incredible is waiting to be known the only home we've ever known dispassionate extraterrestrial observer tendrils of gossamer clouds globular star cluster. Inconspicuous motes of rock and gas bits of moving fluff kindling the energy hidden in matter made in the interiors of collapsing stars dream of the mind's eye shores of the cosmic ocean.

Permanence of the stars great turbulent clouds Flatland Cambrian explosion paroxysm of global death Vangelis. Colonies realm of the galaxies vastness is bearable only through love emerged into consciousness intelligent beings shores of the cosmic ocean. Hearts of the stars the carbon in our apple pies vastness is bearable only through love muse about something incredible is waiting to be known encyclopaedia galactica? Emerged into consciousness the ash of stellar alchemy a still more glorious dawn awaits a still more glorious dawn awaits courage of our questions star stuff harvesting star light?
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Encyclopaedia galactica cosmic fugue corpus callosum the ash of stellar alchemy tingling of the spine explorations. Euclid white dwarf the sky calls to us hydrogen atoms emerged into consciousness extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? Paroxysm of global death citizens of distant epochs Sea of Tranquility a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena emerged into consciousness a still more glorious dawn awaits. Invent the universe made in the interiors of collapsing stars emerged into consciousness a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena something incredible is waiting to be known Sea of Tranquility.
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The Silk’s Nothing