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NFT Generative Art

Buenos Aires - May 28 2022
This pop-up show held at +CODE Gallery in Buenos Aires, was my first 100% generative art exhibition after the boom of NFTs, featuring artworks by Juan Pedro Vallejo, Leonardo Solaas, Guido Corallo, Lolo Armdz, Javier bilatz, Pedro Falco, Patricio Gonzalez Vivo, Ricardo Vega Mora, Daniel Canogar, Quayola and Sara Ludy. This event had the collaboration of Niio.com.


Juan Pedro Vallejo
Leonardo Solaas
Guido Corallo
Lolo Armdz
Javier Bilatz
Pedro Falco
Patricio Gonzalez Vivo
Ricardo Vega Mora
Daniel Canogar
Sara Ludy

INTERACTIVE PIECE. Memory Studies 005 (2021), by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo. Real-time images generated using C++ and GLSL. Edition size: 10.

Memory Studies 005 by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo.

One of a series of real-time programs reflecting on the behavior of memories. The allocated memory is loaded, ordered, and iteratively blurred; during this stage of fragility, it undergoes progressive deterioration and corruption. Once it reaches a maximum state of order or entropy, new memories are assigned and loaded to restart the cycle again. This particular work is the first interactive 3D of the series. NFT includes: real-time generative program written in C++ and GLSL compiled for the browser as a web assembly piece. The resolution adjusts to the screen size. Indefinite duration.
Scattered Architectures (2021), by Leonardo Solaas. Real-time images generated on a website. Edition size: 128.

Scattered Architectures by Leonardo Solaas.

"Scattered architectures" is a generative experiment about the illusion of space created by flat surfaces that share edges. This project is inspired by some beautiful drawings by Diane Scott Studio
Natural History GH - 130114 (2021), by Javier Bilatz. Digital print. Algorithmically generated image. 4K resolution. Edition size: 50.

Natural History GH - 130114 by Javier Bilatz

In the series "Ramifications of a Discourse," the artist explores some recursive concepts, and to their surprise, discovers a transition from discrete steps, from the natural to the artificial. This series includes versions in 2D and 3D.
Turbo 23 (2022), by Lolo Armdz. Interactive generative system programmed in p5.js. To interact with the piece, touch the screen. Edition size: 100.

Turbo 23 by Lolo Armdz

TURBO is the glue that binds randomly generated shapes, escaping their grid to produce each of the outputs.
What do you see?
Confusion Boundary: Exodata (2021), by Ricardo Vega Mora. Astronomical data processed using Python and Processing. Video projection with sound. 5 minutes.

Confusion Boundary: Exodata by Ricardo Vega Mora.

In the field of astronomy, large amounts of data are used to generate analytical and functional visualizations, aimed at the rational and efficient understanding of their characteristics. In contrast to this purely analytical approach, "Confusion Boundary: Exodata" is a project that seeks to produce an aesthetic and visual experience based on exploring the visual translation modes of graphical representations of astronomical data. Under this approach, the work takes data obtained from exoplanets - planets belonging to other solar systems - which indicate various observed characteristics: mass, distance, weight, rotation, inclination, translation, trajectory, among others. Through programming in Python and subsequent processing in Processing, they are translated to explore their visualization through different representation modes. In this way, dynamic images are presented whose optical and geometric compositions, based on color and shape games, shift the analytical function of these graphics to bring them closer from their sensitive quality to the viewer.
In a context characterized by the dissolution of the subject in the face of the massiveness, speed, and abstraction of data, the project proposes to question the truth status of the graphical representations of data used in the scientific field, which assume a direct and unique relationship between these and their representation. An arbitrary relationship, which is suspended when showing the new obtained images.
Juan Pedro Vallejo
Frame of FULL INTERFERENCE #001 (2022), by Juan Pedro Vallejo. Single-channel video. No sound, 16-second loop. Edition size: 1.

FULL INTERFERENCE #001 by Juan Pedro Vallejo

FULL INTERFERENCE #001 is a video piece that is part of a series about breaking the circle as a stable figure. It explores the kinetic category of instability in movement, color, and displacement. The collector of this piece can request uncompressed video and individual frames for printing.
Attractors Flood (- (2022), by Guido Corallo. Digital animation video. No sound, 10-second loop. Edition size: 100.

Attractors Flood (- by Guido Corallo

Attractors, trajectories, particles.
Observations on noise in cloud condensation #006 (2022) by Pedro Falco. Digital print. Real-time processing of data extracted from Perlin Noise in TouchDesigner. Edition size: 1.

Observations on noise in cloud condensation #006 by Pedro Falco

Defined by themselves as a generative system, clouds invite us to think about noise. Noise, like an image, is a moment. It's quite a challenge to pause within the noise without being consumed by it. On one hand, from the balcony, the to-do list draws a void. On the other hand, the parallels reveal the rational construction of the geoid system while the drops, obedient, follow the agreed path. In a first approach to the cloud, politically correct considerations emerge: its morphology, dictated by its nature, lends itself to continuous change. At the risk of being mistaken, it seems to be nothing more than information flowing disguised in red, green, and blue containers, with a high period and elevated harmonics. However, a change in state forces the viewer into a change of mood. It is obvious that what is seen always generates something, but the pseudo-random nature of noise invites speculation about what generates what it generates. Wrapped in its same ever-changing route, the observer finds solace in the noise. It just so happens that noise does not seek to be decent. Noise also does not require any arrangement. "Observations on noise in the condensation of a cloud" is a series guided by discomfort.
+CODE Gallery
+CODE Gallery

This pop-up exhibition pursued multiple goals, with the primary aim being to acknowledge some of the most relevant artists from Buenos Aires who have been working in this field for decades. The works showcased a deep understanding of algorithms and creativity as expressive means. Additionally, the event served as a meeting point for the local network of artists and the crypto community, drawing a full house. This event helped to connect artists, enthusiasts, and skeptics about NFTs and crypto art.

The exhibition also hosted a generative art meetup, where local artists shared their projects and research through presentations by Juan Pedro Vallejo, Francisco Piaggio, and Guadalupe Alvarez.


Production team

Alma Szadurski
Justina Basombrío Seguí
Paola Silva


Alfonsina Vermouth